Friday, December 21, 2007

Sweet UAE, I Hear You Call My Name

Two in the a.m, up after a short nap and listening to some Arabic tracks, which are burning me inside, coz it reminds me of someone from a couple of years back. Someone I fell head over heals in love with, but held myself back in every way, expressing all my feelings sparingly.

It’s been awhile since I blogged, not due to the lack of time, but due to the lack of energy. Let me give my EVER-SO-VALID reasons to my dearest, darling and beloved friends who are more than ticked off with me for not coming on vacation to SL anytime soon. I’m sorry guys, I have to do this for myself. The stay in UAE has been a much needed one for me to come to terms with plenty things. The distance from the parent types has made me discover multiple strengths within me, strengths I never knew existed. It has also improved my next-to-nothing culinary skills (to international standards ;), taught me to respect humanity regardless of race and shades and given me practical experience on how to co-exist with them.

Another reason for not blogging was the fact that everything that I put into paper came out weak, which contradicted with the strength I felt inside. Even as I write this post, I don’t have the power within me to state most of what I want to say. Even though life is smooth amidst plenty inconveniences (vain as it sounds the fact that I haven’t caressed a set of wheels in over an year is more than a killer and an inconvenience itself), life feels empty in so many inexplainable ways.

Fortunately or unfortunately imprisoned by a contract with no means of switching employers without evading the cursed six-month ban, I feel that I am treated worse than I was treated back in Sri Lanka as an individual from the minority. Studying the twisted (using the mildest lingo possible) UAE labour laws closely whilst having a close watch at the volatile, yet illusionally stabilized economy has opened my eyes towards the real meaning of the “New World Order” as well as the last chapter in the Bible, Revelation. It’s happening right before our eyes, whilst we blindly wait for it all to happen in the future, hoping we’d be spared.

I’ve also seen the worst and the ugliest of human traits within the past year from back stabbing, evil & conniving ways of scrounging one another, disrespecting the very fact that we are all human, absolute stinginess, to absolute dumbness to the point of letting others scrounge you any way they please. Watching people behave like animals depresses me beyond words I cannot explain, it annoys me and leaves me drained for days and the solution not being in my hands burns trenches within me.

Whiney as this post may sound, I swear I am amused by most that goes on in my day-to-day life. This journey would definitely be an experience I would take with me for the rest of my life. A paid adventure in its own way !

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Seven Random Things About Me

So I’ve been tagged and I finally find some time to write 'seven random things' about my self.

(1) I am a genuine con artist for all the good reasons ;) Go figure why !
(2) I love mint & chocolate chip ice cream with the whole nut, chocolate and whipped cream combination. One scoop of the above and one scoop of pistachio ice cream from Baskin Robinson can make me happy than any man can ever imagine to make me ;)
(3) I believe in Magic and the Law of attraction, apparently Magic is all about the Law of Attraction :)
(4) I could go without food and water for days, but not without a good read which elevates my spiritual being.
(5) I’ve never climbed a tree, done hard core rock climbing or scuba diving, all of which I yearn to try out sooner than later.
(6) I truly and honestly believe I am blessed, perfect parents, life full of adventure and lessons and the perfect life a hardcore, ruthless, tomboy of a brat could ever yearn for ;)
(7) I hate shopping, but somehow I am loaded with more than enough clothes to choose from, I don’t wear make up and hate it from the bottom of my heart, though I'm guilty as charged for colouring my hair wild and loving every bit of colour dabbed into em strangly strands ;)

Donito ! Phew ! Unfortunately I guess I am left with no one to tag, cause I'm so late in the game :(

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Has Toyota Won My Trust?

Personally, I am a Toyota HATER ! But this link totally changed my perception.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Would 'They' Stab A Corpse To Confirm That It's Dead ?!?

Its almost 3 in the a.m and I can legally abstain from work today as well. A Dhs 5/- taxi ride to 'Al Jimi Hospital' and an half an hour wait to get the nurse’s attention (am I invisible or something)? Then being rejected of a medical certificate due to not having a visiblly high risen temperature (according to their gone wrong thermometer) and been directed to 'Al Massoudi Clinic' which is another DHS 4/- distance and been questioned by the non Engris speaking receptionist if I was a run away school kid (or something to that line). DHS 20/- for entrance (or what ever you call it, I doubt it’s called channeling here) and another good DHS 50/- for issuing of a medical certificate for two days and not forgetting the taxi ride home which was a good DHS 7/-. Woahhh…going to work even if it means having to suffer a death penalty the next day sounds much better and convenient than going through all the above. I am boiling with fever and physically drained, pissed and amused at the same time, which doesn’t feel too sweet.

Watched 6 episodes of ‘My Wife & Kids’, salivating over Daman Wayans and figured out that my hunger for black men would never cease. Why still the yearning when a black hunk was supposed to be all mine? He deserves better, and I am not ready for a full blown body and soul relationship even though I’m head over heals in love with him. The fact that I feel butterflies in my stomach every time he passes me by (damn girl! you are too grown up for that sh**), the fact that he is always on my mind and the fact that I’m trying to come to terms with my reason for running away from every good thing that enters my life (to me) confirms that this guy is something special and I am nothing less than IN LOVE. If he ain’t around by the time I come around, I’ll just have to play wounded puppy and wish him 'LUCK' with 10 afro curly haired menaces who’d make his hair stand straight, drain his pocket and make him look a good 50+ at 30.

Not forgetting to state the fact that I’m utterly bored, lonely and going slightly insane in this strange town, I’m off to get a lil more sleep before I see any sort of light creeping in through the crack of my door.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Evolved & In Love ;)

It is a good 45 minutes past 3 in the a.m and am still up and chirpy doing all kinds of nonsensical things (doing everything but washing my clothes, which is the most annoying and important of all of em ‘must do’s for I’d have to be wearing a soaking wet uniform otherwise).

Tonight there’s just one thing written on my mind, body and soul……….TINGLES! It ain’t immature, it ain’t long distance, it ain’t flaky, but so damn real. I tried running away from it as usual ( usual), coz that’s the easiest thing to do that stay and face the day, but something saved the day and made me stay and I’m so looking forward to spending every waking second with him and him on my mind.

For once, it ain’t a pretty boy who draws hearts on post-its and speaks nothing about the future. He freaked me out at first, coz the man I saw was real, Afro and oh so fine, which immediately made me feel like a bow without an arrow or a farm without a fence. Love was not in my books, abstinence was the key word, but what the f**k was happening, I can’t let go, lose control, no way not now! I was looking for perfection, when perfection was right in fronta my eyes, perfect and divine and mine!

Fine….so he doesn’t look like the kinda guy who’d be picking wild flowers for me, but yet perfect in every way!

As for the long silence, my creativity has been robbed by external sources, which SHALL be grabbed back in to my system sooner than later. Meanwhile my soul is being nourished by books such as :

(1) The Monk who sold his Ferrari – ‘Robin S. Sharma’
(2) Conversation with God (Volumes 1-3) – ‘Neale Donald Walsch’ [Read em all in order for a clear understanding]
(3) The Road Less Traveled – ‘M. Scott Peck’
(4) (Not forgetting) Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus - ‘John Grey’

These have so far kept me sane, bold, strong and genuine to myself whilst altered my beliefs, values and thinking patterns for the better taking me on to the next step of evolution.

Note : No, the books have by no mean blindly influenced or manipulated my values and virtues, but rather the changes have taken place after plenty testing with my original beliefs.

-To be open to change that moulds you a little more in to who you really are is to evolve, and to be holding on to old rigid ways out of duty and fear is to remain an ignorant fool – (Gobblezygook)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sheesa Adventure

Rooted and homely as I am, my heart yearns to return home, to enjoy the warmth and love of my wonderful parents and naughty dogs, not forgetting my cranky grandmother, but I wonder if my yearning is correct and would get me anywhere other than farther and farther away from my hopes, dreams, fantasies and desires. Unconsciously or consciously, I have been suffering from the ‘green grass’ syndrome all this while, always desiring what is farthest from me. For once in my life I am enjoying and am fully satisfied and contended with the job I am currently experiencing (It would surprise many who know my nature of employment) and cannot possibly think of myself doing anything else in this doomed country even though it would pay me double or even quadruple of what I am earning right now. It is a beautiful feeling to know that you got the potential within you to climb higher, but yet choose to remain where you are and practice endurance. Having job hopped all my life for once my conscious is forcing me to stay put, that it is more like some kinda something telling me that I have finally found what I would want to keep myself occupied with for a long time (apart from my precious business of course, I wouldn’t give that up for the world, it still runs in my blood and will always run until I say fare thee well to planet earth).

I haven’t had a proper eight hours of sleep for three days, since I finally decided to share the room with another female individual so that I could share the room rent with, which is around SL Rs. 12’000/-, but this idea never gave me the peace of mind or heart. I was finally eager to share the luxury of my territory, to give up my freedom and my peace of mind just in order to save a few mere rupees and it didn’t feel right. As usual, alone as I am, I didn’t have anyone to direct me, share my thoughts or calm me down than my unknown unseen father in heaven. The girl who was supposed to share in sees the room promising me to confirmation today, which never arrived (I was half hoping it wouldn’t), while a restless corner within me kept churning with eagerness to save half the money being used for the purpose of paying the rent. I left the situation in God’s hands and fell into a lovely deep sleep only to wake up feeling relaxed and whole again. Why I am thinking so much about saving would for the reason of running away. What if I wanted to build my life here instead? (I know I would be disappointing many, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do).

From experience, I have come to realize that restlessness within me comes only when my thought pattern contradicts with God’s purpose for my life. Having stated that, my room shall be my room and unshared coz it’s too pretty to be shared and no one deserves it..hmmph ;) and I on the other hand have decided to root myself down in this country for a while, which means that I will be applying for a my license and my dreams of a Mustang GT will be coming true soon.

Posted are some of the pics from the sheesha adventure stated in the previous post (and yes I approve sheesha, but not to the point of addiction, and if one may be wondering, nope I don’t booze and never have got wasted over here and am yet to be touched but a camel’s penis, which is quite a highly unlikely activity to occur).

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Life In UAE

It’s almost four long months since I blogged, so finally, here I am still alive and monkeying around with life. Apologies for the long silence, forgotten birthdays and unreplied sms’s & emails (due to valid reasons and unavoidable circumstances). Since I’ve been questioned too much about my life and happenings over here (by loved ones and curious stalkers) let me fill you in with the juicy bits and pieces (like how many men I’ve slept with so far and how big their circumcised penises were compared to the guys in Lanka;)


I’d like to keep my place of work discreet due to reasons beyond my control (at least for awhile), and please, those who know, hush up and try not to state it on this page (thou shall see the reason why in a few months).

Work has made me a stronger person as well as made me realize through experience that what doesn’t kill you can surely make you stronger. It has made me grow triceps and biceps in my own lil way and made me 20 times stronger than any gym in Lanka could have ever made me in a coupla years.


The first month was spent in a luxurious star hotel, covered in warm blankets, bubble bath for a cozy soaks, free baskets of fruits every other day and a television all for myself (em little blessing mean a lot when alone in a God forsaken country). The last three months are spent in a little room of my own, right opposite the place of work (which is not company sponsored, for your information). It has a little kitchen and an equally tiny, but cozy toilet. Was sharing the place with another Sri Lankan girl (a friend I found for life), who unfortunately left a couple of days back on a transfer to Dubai to be with her husband. The place is all mine, all mine, for a sum of DHS 800/- per month. Got the kitchen fully equipped a few days back with lil blessings like a rice cooker, electric kettle and a hot plate and cute lil pots, pans and utensils, bright, colourful and pretty, and OH BLY ME ! Judy girl is a kitchen Goddess…WOHOO! I have never known freedom like this and am enjoying every second of it. I’ve been accused muchly for paying such a big sum for the room and for refusing to share it with someone, but guess I value my freedom and my peace of mind than the mere DHS 400/- which I might save by taking someone in.


Other than my glorious cooking, food is CRAP down here. Hardees, Fish World, Pizza Hut, Indian and Arabic restaurants, ADNOC (24 hour mini markets in fuel stations)…hmmmm I could list a gazillion names and yet not list one outlet who’s food are palatable for us Sri Lankans. Everything I have eaten so far is sweet, bland, flat, creamy, cheesy or utterly disgusting. You ask them to make something spicy and they add barbeque sauce, “Lord have mercy on their poor innocent souls, for they have not tasted real chilly”!


There’s not much of an entertainment in Al Ain except for one fairly happening club, at Rotana and two others which I haven’t even attempted visiting. It’s quite a dead city in terms of entertainment, places to visit and things to do. Nine hours a day of six days of the week is spent at work and the remaining time is spent, sleeping, roaming around a few malls, exploring new gadget shops, book stores and in my room writing, attempting to cook, clean or get a lil shut eye.

Love Life

To be honest, there is not one interesting dude to eyeball at. I either look desperate or butt ugly that I keep getting asked out by old farts in white gowns who surely look way past their years of sound health. I’ve screamed at a few, but then figured out that acting dumb and pretending to not understand them was the best way to evade the situation, not like they speak Engris anyway and the little bit they speak comes out as gibberish, that I understand none anyway.

I’ve met a few intriguing people while at work, like writers who are researching about the lost treasures of Arabic intellectuality, teachers who spend beautiful simple lives, Businessmen who seem to be racing against time, cute local guys who seem to be cute as hell and jobless just as well and women who are pretty on the outside, with glimmer and shine but empty or shallow on the inside. The most interesting of em all was an Indian guy, all the way from Delhi, who was something different. He sure spoke a different language to what I’ve been hearing the past few months, refined, spanking classy, yet simple. I never caught his name, but had a lil chat and managed to take a peak at the big fat book he was buried in for quite a long time, which was about some civilization shit. That’s as far as meeting interesting individuals go.

That’s about it form my side of the world, boring and uneventful for the time being, which is definitely going to change in due course (sooner than I thought it would). I am home sick all ready, and am sure trying my best to accomplish my mission of coming here at the earliest and return to beautiful Lanka, to enjoy the comfort of the green green grass of home.