Saturday, December 16, 2006

Glorious UAE

Geez, I miss blogging. Just managed to chill down and access the net, and yes, I am more than in one piece and kicking. I'm assigned to work away from the Dubai city, therefore life is so not on the fast lane, but BOY ! aren't I having a ball. I've been spending the past month in a star hotel (obviously paid for by the company) and finally am shifting to a room of my own next week. It is truely an adventure that is gonna change my life forever.

I finally found a super cool Evangalical Church today, and that made my entire day go brighter than it already was :)

So-Long, Until I get my own computer and blog in peace.


Radikal Zee said...

well well miss scorpio..
nice 2 hear ur rocking on d "sandy"-floors of UAE. U suddenly dissapeard frm here without even a proper adioz bash ha ? :(

Lady divine said...'ve already gone and u didn't even tell me!!!!!
atleast you're fine and having a ball of a time..enjoy while it lasts...and yes they do have a fer churches there... now be good and work hard and rock hard..:-) take care Judz...miss ya..

Anonymous said...

wondering wht happened to you all of a sudden. finally a post.. great to hear your having a ball there!! good luck for the new year.. take care n do keep us informed on the desert stories...

Anonymous said...

ah finaly a some kind of word from you since u left. we were worried sick of u. (do i sound like ur mom :P). glad ur having a good time, u def deserve it.

Gobblezygook said...

Hey thanx for the blessings and greetings everyone....but I did send a msg to almost all i knew before leaving, I'm sorry if it felt so sudden :)

Shall be back to blogging in a few days...till then...adios and God Bless !

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, hey Miss pointy Elbows, all of us at AL were wondering where u had disappeared to. Missed u at the last get2gether! Good to hear ur doing ok. Later.

Anonymous said...

Eh, that last anonymous was me, Preveen :)

Gobblezygook said...

Just got connected using my own pc...em pc's in the internet cafes can only digest arabic....arrgh !!! I type English and the people back at home receive stuff in Arabic or Chinese..hehehe

Yep, I'm more than alive and getting adjusted to em desert winds :)

Ah...Praveen how?!? You must check out the RC gadgets here...wohoooo...I'm going bonkers every day....speeding is like walking..I get a taxi ride in a car than spins a good 130 plus most days :)(lovely change from a Maruti that screaches when it exceeds 70)..hehe

You would definetely see my pesky writing more often now, since I have finally figured out how to work this high-tech gizmo :)

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

missing u looney bin !!!