Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Mould

And then you accidently come across a mould. A mould that fits all your specifications. But, fortunately or unfortunately, you are already tired. Tired of the game. Too tired to keep it up, too tired to wonder if the mold is strong to keep up……..

Too many questions running though my mind, but as usual nothing affects me. They questions, feeling and emotions they just zap thought me, but it doesn’t seem to disturb nor derail my original course.

It has always been easier to run away. My mind, body and soul are accustomed to running & escaping. I am determined to break the mode. Too determined that the very thought stresses me out. I want to do something, something that would turn things around. My heart bleeds at the thought of what’s going on. It does……It ain’t my own, and sometimes, even I let it rot like it’s nobody’s business. I suffer inside every time I do it. The emotional attachment is too great. The sense of direction I feel is immense………….

I have always trusted the vibes, the energy and the force for direction…….may they guide me this time around as well.

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