Thursday, November 25, 2004

Bitchy Me !!!

Every thing is going so smooth........The people I detest are perishing right in front of my eyes, without my interferance. I feel like I got this strange power within me to destroy the evil and the stupid (stupidity is definetely ona the satanic sins..he..he..)...Well yeah....they are trying to bring me down..but I feel untouched.....I feel cold and bitchy as if I am the devil herself.

Well.......the world is a facinating definetely is......The kinda people I thot never existed keep walking in to my life in so many unexpected ways. a lot on my mind to spit out, but not in the mood today.......Wanna chill down some place which makes me happy. Theres just one place...and that place is unreachable....getting there is just outa the question....I am about to lose the lil happiness I have in my life very soon. I know that for sure....I'm about to lose the lil ray of hope that made my day and made me smile.

I've moved on...and away from a lot of my desires...and I know I can live without this lil treasure if I really want to..It's all in the mind..and I know I am stronger than the wind to fearlessly rebel against it !!!

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