Sunday, October 29, 2006

Flower Children / Hippies

That’s what the world calls them, but all they wanted was, peace, love and freedom (yes it is true that the governments have snatched away most of the beauty the world and life has to offer, but I’m too lazy to figure out my own model of how the world is ever gonna survive without em so called governments).

Hippies (or the free spirits as I’d like to call them) have been accused of borrowing the (so-called) lifestyle they live, mode of expression and fashion from the Bohemians who just like the hippies

- Left their middle-class lives to live with others who shared the same beliefs
- Felt the need to rebel against authority
- Felt a certain lack of purpose in their lives
- Expressed their disapproval of authority by wearing distinct clothing
Just as Bohemians used art and writing, hippies used their distinct music to rebel against authority and define a whole generation; I guess most of em turned towards cultivation and self-sufficiency (which sure is a good thing).

Most who left for this kind of a lifestyle in the 1960s and the 70s were known to be college dropouts, people with mental problems, people with inherited and saved money, people who were educated, but lost, people who were trying to escape the war in Vietnam and people who didn’t fit in to any sort of accepted structure in the society.

The Neo-hippies or the so-called New Agers of the 21st century are people who (claim to) believe in the hippie philosophy (may be not entirely, coz they seem to be quite happily plugged in to all the luxury one could afford and enjoy the fast paced life, whilst taking into consideration only the rebelliousness and the fashion trends from the beautiful free culture).

I was always in awe about em ‘Flower Children’ and the 60s liberating culture. I still can’t seem to figure out the connection between the 'free culture' and free sex, drugs, booze, rock n’ roll, nudism, extreme-feminism etc. May be they were just sub-cultures and traits which eventually emerged from the main philosophy of free and simple existence (me presume).

Getting straight to the point, there’s plenty good, one can derive from this whole ‘Flower Children’/’Hippie’ saga. It ain’t about the fashion trends they followed, the music they listened to or the unethical activities they got involved in, but the motive of getting life to pivot around the two main virtues one will ever need, to carry on existing happily and contentedly, LOVE and PEACE (Love and Peace eventually makes way for freedom).

I may be wrong, but I believe it is this free culture that was spoken about in the ‘New Testament’. Em free sprits were looked down upon for rejecting the luxuries of life, but how can love and peace fully function, when, greed for luxury, discontentment and avarice exist.

Hope the world soon sees the beauty of wearing flowers in their hair than wearing weapons around their flesh.


Anonymous said...

do u think ppl are goin to give up what they hold now? its goin to take more than one person to turn around a system or government. but that one person could be the start of many. how many of us are willing to make that start, sacrifice what we have and stand up for believes of own or ideals? would there be a world where they take up flowers and not weapons? that way of life was adjustable at that age would it come about now in todays fast paced life?

Anonymous said...

how true!

each culture has its norms, and this normativity begets a counterculture that rejects them. for example, a generation before the bohemian came the 'Dandy'. and from the very inception, countercultures have been sexually hyperactive. the bohemians were probably worse than the flower children. tolouse-lutrec and the whole crowd at the moulin rouge (the real one, not the piddly film adaptation) make very interesting reading in this regard.

but countercultures are always an extreme deviation from the mainstream, and neither extreme is an ideal one. however, they are very necessary. thanks to them, we will never take up arms without remembering what it was like to hold flowers in our hands instead; but we will never hold the flowers too tightly either, because sometimes arms are necesary, in the defense of our pretty gardens.

Gobblezygook said...

Thanx for the interesting points injected :) I need to chcek up on this whole Dandy subject (I'm ill informed about em)..thnx :)