Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Jesus Rocks !!!!

Loaded with work...but If I didn't testify what happened in public...then my day just wouldn't be complete.....Last night my dad had left the office door wide was amazing that everything remained untouched till morning.....Priase the Lord......With him around I need none.....

I was ashamed of myself that I was keeping my distance from my master the past 2 weeks........Life was one massive roler coaster....It started giving me everything I have ever wanted...and what did this ungrateful lil bitcch do...go ahead and forget the mighty one who made everything possibel.....

There is a huge mission in my hands...a massive one.....I know I will not be abke to complete it with my own wisdom. power,and energy.........I depend on My Lord like I depend on the sun to give me light and the moon to give me a peceful night......Please him......and thou sahll be pleased........

I am so darn happy.....darn happy forgiving.......The evil sprirt got me by surprise last week and I almost crossed the border to the other world.....but no...Its all an act of choice......

Had a ball of day on the 7th.....with my lil best friend in the whole wide world.....sheesh...that sure kept me smiling for a long time...hehehehe.....wooohooooooo

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