Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Obscure Thoughts on Fascination

This year seems to be slipping through my fingers way too fast and I’m still left with a lot more to accomplish than I already have. I have moved completely away from competition and stopped living for others, and life finally feels like a journey on my own personal highway than a race, but yet, I feel inclined to run a little faster than I really ought to, an urge I should learn to curb.

I wish I could type out my emotions whilst behind the wheel, coz that’s the peak of plenty obscure images, visions and thoughts that zap across my mind, thoughts from the very bottom of my heart, weird opinions about theology, psychology, poetry…etc….I even caught myself weeping uncontrollably (thankfully behind my shades), for so many freaking reasons by no means bother me even indirectly in real life.

All Human beings are fascinating creatures. Been wondering, if fascination is the beginning of love, then does that mean that once commited or in love one should resist fascination, since fascination usually leads to obsession (cannot-do-without-feeling). It may be stupid to think in these lines, but this is the truth. Yes, as usual something triggered it. He picked up the guitar and played “D el Mariachi by Los Lobos” for me. I’ve seen him a coupla of times, heard him play before, but never bothered to notice anything beyond his capabilities of fulfilling his job. Unconsciously I was clearly fascinated. Seated in fronta him playing away, I just couldn’t help noticing the gleaming, smiling face, the friendliness and his inquisitiveness to know who I am and what I am. He spoke a language I understood, but couldn’t express myself with, and I spoke the same. The moment kept repeating in my head long after I had left his sight. Of course there was nothing beyond fascination, but fascination itself in its purest form is a warm and lovely feeling, that I fear to experience anything beyond it.

The two subjects I’m taking this semester are teaching me plenty new ways to look at the divine creation of the male and female in an entirely new perspective. I think I’m finally comfortable with the fact of being submissive to a man after comprehending why being submissive in today’s fallen world has become unpleasant.

Are men actually losing their place in the society these days? Yes, they actually are and it irritates me to know that there just ain’t no explanation or solution to it. According to the original plan God made man, to dominate, and woman as his “other half” (notice that I have not stated anything in the line of ‘better half’ or ‘insignificant aid’), only to be submissive to the man. It is also clearly stated that both man as well as woman, equally represent the image of God in terms of his characteristics. If the man & woman were made to “SERVE’ the rest of the creation, love each other and SERVE & DEPEND on each other whilst the man naturally is ordered to take the lead (whilst taking the woman’s opinions in to consideration) where have we gone wrong today?

In today’s fallen world it’s either “His Lameness” who gets pushed around first by his mummy dearest and then his wifey pifey, a man who simply cannot make up his mind and take a decision on his own or “The Ultra Macho Male Chauvinist” who forcefully, brutally dominates anything and everything that crosses his path. The in-betweens who strike a balance between the two are quite a rare case. The two categories of women are either “Madam Dominaty” who attempts to dominate the entire universe or “The Lil Slave Girl” who stays victims and get harassed by the rest of the creation. Something is definitely radically outa place. The only unsatisfying explanation I can come up right now is that this too is a consequence of our fallen state :~

Last week Ted was lecturing about the absolute differences between male and female and how each of the species must learn to celebrate the uniqueness. Why has the world all the while been attempting to segregate and detach the two species from each other? Is this fallen state actually a state of confusion? Is it all man made? Looking deep in to every burning issue taking place around us, it is definitely not impossible for man to resolve it himself. This is just another one-tracked way to look at everything that has gone wrong in today's world. Wouldn’t most of our problems be solved if men and women learnt to respect each other? Wouldn’t men not go to war, if they only thought twice about how a woman would feel in the midst of turbulence? It hurts to see the man who was made to protect, now destroying all that there is. There probably would be no rape, incest, infidelity and everything nasty in that department, if only mankind knew the purpose they were made for.

We are made for him, for each other, one man for a woman (no man for man or vice versa) (“,)

Bought two books, whilst getting the other one free (yippy) to read up more on the stated issue.

Me? Obey? Him? – by Elizabeth Rice Hanford
Love Must Be Tough – by Dr. James Dobson
Who You Are When No One Is Looking – by Bill Hybels


Kaiser Kobayashi said...

"wish I could type out my emotions whilst behind the wheel, coz that’s the peak of plenty obscure image"

HOLD UP!!! you daydream of eternity and beyonf while driving?!?!...shaaa...last time im hitching a ride with you!!! and here i thought having to carry fans and what-nots was a problem :p hehehe...and here she was giving me advice on riding...hehehe F-R-E-A-K!!! and as for the facsication...its a god me it is ;) have a great day. cheers.

~ lo$t $oul ~ said...
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~ lo$t $oul ~ said...

well the strike of balance between men n woman has gone stray or rather out of this world. its one against. its a very rare occurance that one is willing to let go of the self image and be the "better / other half" to the other. so when we find the balance of a man treating a woman with respect and vice versa the balance would not be seen.

Darwin said...

I can recommend another good read;

"Why Men can't listen and Women can't read maps" by Allan and Barbara Pease.

I had the e-book somewhere but can't seem to find it now...Very well-written though!

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

Who are you when no1's looking :D Interesting topic.. few would dare to answere! Or even think of it by themselves! What can i say of life.. I actually can not :) haven't been through it all yet!! :)

Anonymous said...

here's a theory of mine. an extension of darwins theory of evolution. ; )

"all life forms that cannot adapt to their environment will eventually perish, the rest will go CRAZZY!!" :D guess man kind is going nuts afterall