With all hopes of watching the Da Vinci Code flushed down the toilet, I’m wearing an ugly scowl on my face for a reason I simply cannot fathom. I read a Christian site harping about why one shouldn’t go watch the movie with motives of enjoying it. Huh ? So….that makes me less holier than thou, is it ?!? A traitor ?!? Who am I to defend God, the creator of all mankind? It’s a different story for Christian Apologetics to publish books, articles or use whatever mode to help the readers of the book and the viewers of the movie to figure out what is truth and what is fiction, but another to force them how to feel about the entire story.
I hate doing my accounts just as much as I hate my greens (even more so may be…hmmm). Even though her lazy ass has been procrastinating doing the final accounts for quite some time, now the time has come for it to be done with (to avoid unwanted trouble). And Halleluiah ! I’m almost coming to the end of it and would finally be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep..
[Why Me Lord] ?!?
Things are finally settling in and taking a slow pace, a slower pace than I’d actually like it to be. (Typical Human !! When its sunny they yearn for rain and vice versa). The fewer posts is not due to a all day-everyday-ultra-hectic schedule, but simply coz it’s a slow and painful process to post with a dialup connection. I don’t even check my mail on outlook now, keeping it all web based seems quicker and easier (but then again, that too seem to take a gazillion years).
There are more things robbing my sleep at night than just plain insomnia, a person I owe an explanation to, the schizophrenic lil girl who has gotten worse. I should have paid more attention, I should have kept at it, but I gave up too easily. My ignorance and unwillingness to get my hands dirty has turned around and stabbed me guilty! I’m back on my mission and this time without looking back.
As usual got in to several arguments about creation (which fortunately didn’t turn bitter) with Daddy and a dear Uncle who is a family friend.
Evolution?!? Nonsense !!!
My partially skeptic father was trying to blend in evolution and creation. According to him, God created man through ‘evolution’ (what on earth has so called evolution got to do with creation? There ain’t no beginning, and there ain’t no end).
As for the Uncle, his biggest issue was scientists finding fossils of living beings which are millions of years old and according to his learned self, the world is way older than it was supposed to be created by God. Oh ! Did I forget to mention that he himself is a Scientist ! Them and their gone wrong measurement sticks. They have no proof that the ice age existed before creation. There is a huge possibility (a definite possibility) for the ice age to have started after the ‘Great Flood’. I’m yet to explain this to him, which would give birth to another heated up argument. I’d be doing great injustice if I didn’t mention the following about him and his family. They may be non-believers, but lovely human beings I adore, way better than some of the believers I know.
I’ve definitely been put to the test these few weeks. Even though I am spiritually topped up, I can feel my emotional and physical well being tanks evaporating. If I didn’t know how to top my self up spiritually, I would be an empty vessel by now. Oh ! sure God is a IOC gas station which pumps fuel for free, but only if we stop by and ask for it. I was too ashamed to ask, too self sufficient to need his providence. I forgot his loving touch, his mercies and countless blessings; I got back in to my lil nutshell of living a self-centered life.
He called to tell me that his family was rejecting him for being a believer. Why? God Why? Open em eyes that are blinded make them see you, reveal your self to them. I remember him being a pillar of strength when I was yet a baby believer and felt stripped down and naked when I took a leap of faith to believe in the unknown and unseen. His faith amazed me, even when I was a professing Satanist tearing down every believer along with myself. His love for the Lord was greater than his love for anything, and it was clearly embedded in everything he did. I’m blessed to be able to profess my faith freely, but he will be twice as blessed for holding on amidst persecution.
--> “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13 5-6)
--> When you go an extra mile than you ought to, you find yourself out in deep water with Christ. Realizing that the ground is not solid beneath your feet, you cling to him. You feel his support in ways you would normally never notice. Most people would never leave the harbours of love. They are afraid to venture out on the high seas of radical, non-retaliatory, second-mile love. But that’s where the action is. That’s where God’s presence manifests itself in a far greater way than shore-bound people could ever imagine. That is where people are startled to take a closer look at Jesus Christ.
(Who are you when no one’s looking – by Bill Hybels) - Edited
I hate doing my accounts just as much as I hate my greens (even more so may be…hmmm). Even though her lazy ass has been procrastinating doing the final accounts for quite some time, now the time has come for it to be done with (to avoid unwanted trouble). And Halleluiah ! I’m almost coming to the end of it and would finally be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep..
[Why Me Lord] ?!?
Things are finally settling in and taking a slow pace, a slower pace than I’d actually like it to be. (Typical Human !! When its sunny they yearn for rain and vice versa). The fewer posts is not due to a all day-everyday-ultra-hectic schedule, but simply coz it’s a slow and painful process to post with a dialup connection. I don’t even check my mail on outlook now, keeping it all web based seems quicker and easier (but then again, that too seem to take a gazillion years).
There are more things robbing my sleep at night than just plain insomnia, a person I owe an explanation to, the schizophrenic lil girl who has gotten worse. I should have paid more attention, I should have kept at it, but I gave up too easily. My ignorance and unwillingness to get my hands dirty has turned around and stabbed me guilty! I’m back on my mission and this time without looking back.
As usual got in to several arguments about creation (which fortunately didn’t turn bitter) with Daddy and a dear Uncle who is a family friend.
Evolution?!? Nonsense !!!
My partially skeptic father was trying to blend in evolution and creation. According to him, God created man through ‘evolution’ (what on earth has so called evolution got to do with creation? There ain’t no beginning, and there ain’t no end).
As for the Uncle, his biggest issue was scientists finding fossils of living beings which are millions of years old and according to his learned self, the world is way older than it was supposed to be created by God. Oh ! Did I forget to mention that he himself is a Scientist ! Them and their gone wrong measurement sticks. They have no proof that the ice age existed before creation. There is a huge possibility (a definite possibility) for the ice age to have started after the ‘Great Flood’. I’m yet to explain this to him, which would give birth to another heated up argument. I’d be doing great injustice if I didn’t mention the following about him and his family. They may be non-believers, but lovely human beings I adore, way better than some of the believers I know.
I’ve definitely been put to the test these few weeks. Even though I am spiritually topped up, I can feel my emotional and physical well being tanks evaporating. If I didn’t know how to top my self up spiritually, I would be an empty vessel by now. Oh ! sure God is a IOC gas station which pumps fuel for free, but only if we stop by and ask for it. I was too ashamed to ask, too self sufficient to need his providence. I forgot his loving touch, his mercies and countless blessings; I got back in to my lil nutshell of living a self-centered life.
He called to tell me that his family was rejecting him for being a believer. Why? God Why? Open em eyes that are blinded make them see you, reveal your self to them. I remember him being a pillar of strength when I was yet a baby believer and felt stripped down and naked when I took a leap of faith to believe in the unknown and unseen. His faith amazed me, even when I was a professing Satanist tearing down every believer along with myself. His love for the Lord was greater than his love for anything, and it was clearly embedded in everything he did. I’m blessed to be able to profess my faith freely, but he will be twice as blessed for holding on amidst persecution.
--> “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13 5-6)
--> When you go an extra mile than you ought to, you find yourself out in deep water with Christ. Realizing that the ground is not solid beneath your feet, you cling to him. You feel his support in ways you would normally never notice. Most people would never leave the harbours of love. They are afraid to venture out on the high seas of radical, non-retaliatory, second-mile love. But that’s where the action is. That’s where God’s presence manifests itself in a far greater way than shore-bound people could ever imagine. That is where people are startled to take a closer look at Jesus Christ.
(Who are you when no one’s looking – by Bill Hybels) - Edited
I heard about the Code being banned in SL and was going to rant about it on my blog but then figured there's not much point. I really don't see the point in banning it, because it's only going to make people more curious. People should be allowed to watch what they want, and if some people do not want to watch it because it makes them uncomfortable, then they simply shouldn't go to the cinema! Taking the choice away is a form of religious dictatorship, especially in a country like SL where the majority of people are Buddhists! It just makes no sense and makes you wonder how insecure some people must be in their faiths and beliefs that they feel the need to actually ban a movie simply because they did not agree with the plot-line.
I also wonder where they were when Scorsese did "The Last Temptation Of Christ" because surely that was way more potentially offensive than the Code will ever be!
Ok I think I just had my rant in here on your comments section! Apologies for the length of this comment.
This is NOT to start an argument on creation and evolution, but just thought that its a bit odd that a believer of creation would dismiss the idea of an ice age before creation due to 'lack of proof'.
Errrrm....The whole idea of arguing for creation is to point out that there was nothing (let alone an ice age) before creation (",)
"I read a Christian site harping about why one shouldn’t go watch the movie with motives of enjoying it." You're right.. Strangely enough.. One who types such things on web sites whould take better use of their time to be a true teacher of gods work.. One who teaches is not one who speaks and tells what God would like or prefere.. It is in fact one who uses his/her best ability to do such acts, that would benifit others and not bother being noticed or praised while doing it. To me.. the internet is a collection of wise writers.. but strong devotion is like a rare disease.. lol :)
You get yourself into a lot of religious arguments no???...i never get why people fight argue and bicker about it anyway...not like either party can prove the other wrong no? its science vs faith...its useless...and besides; evolution ROCKS!!!! :p hehehe no kanga im not talking about monkey's and men...PEARL JAM!!! its evolution baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh....I thot u were speaking of the Mitsubishi.....Now that definitely Rocks !!!
The book is much better than the film...
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