Sunday, July 09, 2006

I Deserve to Live ! (to Live in Peace that is)....

My darling cousin who is with me at Bible College finally got married yesterday. It was a simple and lovely wedding and she looked simple, natural and pretty herself. Amidst plenty of “you are nexts” and “ a lot more annoying comments, I survived, since I’ve learned the art of evading the ever so unwanted question most professionally and politely. I was pretty thrilled about the whole occasion and was thrilled about the whole idea of being clad in a Sari for the second time (the first Sari was worn three years back…ouch…wasn’t that a disaster to remember). It was draped ok by Mummy dearest, after much screams and curses and twisting and turning my limbs around until she her self was dog-tired. Arrrgh……but the problem arose when I tried walking with it, I couldn’t walk two steps without slightly raising the Sari in a manner someone would tug on to it before they faced a flood. After all that torture, I’m planning to get mummified again in a sari this Monday. Wohooo for the piece of shimmery silk !

Some ding-dong bell who couldn’t mind his own business had petitioned to the 119 (cops) that a family from the minority is supposedly residing in the once most important house in the area. The cops turned up for a friendly chat last week, since they had come before (the previous arrival could have been a result of a petition as well….who knows?). It was the first time I felt victimized and unloved by my own country fellowmen. I suddenly felt like an outcast, who was expected by society to live in fear. I can’t really explain the exact emotion I felt…..but I cried…that’s all I could do.

The cops asked us to stick to being who we are and not to hold it against anyone, and was very nice to us by giving us their personal numbers in case of emergency. I on the other hand don’t want to suspect any of the (so-called) neighbours, but I can’t help looking at a few of them with a squint eye. I am a living breathing person who deserves to live, breath and enjoy every privilege the majority of this country enjoys.

Born and bread in ‘Horana’ my Dad had learnt Singhalese and Buddhism all his life though his Dad was from an Aristocratic family in Jaffna. According to what I’ve heard (never had the opportunity of seeing the lovely old dude) my happy-go-lucky Grandpa was a man who was loved by all in the village of Horana (a lil away from Panadura). My mum on the other hand even though she completed her education in Tamil, joined the government sector as her first job (where she met my Daddikins of course) and was living amongst the majority in peace and harmony. I on the other hand carried out half my education in Singhalese [since there was no one at home who was good with the mother tongue to assist me (which is quite shameful, of course)]. We had no problem with the majority, we love them, since most of our friends, relatives and colleagues are from the majority.

Though professing Christians, we don’t let interesting session of Buddhist preaching pass us by. It is a brilliant way of life, even though I don’t agree with the beginning and the end of it and there are plenty Buddhist monks who are just fantabulous. My dad still tries to twist the Buddhist way of live in to every argument we have, which complicates the situation and finally drives me to the point of giving up.

Why I mentioned all the above is just to say, that we’ve been breathing the same air the so-called majority has been inhaling all these years. We lived in harmony. They love the iddly, thosai, sambar as well as the lasagna and the soups my Mum makes, while she pines for the aluwa and the kawum yummily prepared by her friends belonging to the majority.

NOT all Tamils are terrorists, even though it had so happened that all Terrorists are Tamils. But that doesn’t create an excuse for anyone in this country to penalize the so-called Tamils. Just as I am proud to be a Tamil, I am damn proud to be able to speak my Singhalese without an accent, unlike many who profess to be Singhalese (I guess it’s time I took some time off to learn my mother tongue as well even though it seems complicated). I am as patriotic about my country as anyone (at least I ain’t one of em who throw garbage on the streets). All of em who drive wonky on the road and cause accidents aren’t Tamils (I have never knocked anyone). All of em who scheme and kill each other aren’t Tamils (Me or my family has never taken a life of another so far).

Tamils and Singhalese as well as the rest of the community in Sri Lanka are bound to make mistakes, coz we are mere human after all. This ain’t my war, and neither do I want to contribute, speak about it or be a victim of it. I downright detest it and pray that the Government, by hook or by crook eradicate all the so-called terrorists who have only made living in Sri Lanka harder for the people born with a Tamil background (My Nationality is Sri Lankan and not Tamil…Get that ?!? ).

I have not run away from the country or thrown stones at the Government. My parents aren’t politicians but hard working individuals who have supported the Government by means of taxes. We put up with them and all their nonsense since we want our lil Paradise back just the way we had it 50 years back. It could be Mahinda, Ranil or any other Man, as long as he can do justice to the country. Living is difficult, business is discouraging, but yet we struggle and survive. Friends, family, pol sambol, wood apple, mangoes and rambutang, which other country can offer me that ?!?

This is My country and I deserve to Live here, don’t dare take away em rights from me !

--> We are no longer Greeks or Jews or Slaves or Free men or even merely men or women, but we are all the same, we are Christians; we are one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3 : 28)


Kaiser Kobayashi said...

awww...there there...dont let some dumb-ass people bother you kanga darling...people will always judge, hate and fear that which they do not understand! relax! we love you! regardless of everything. *mmwa*

Sam said...

Well. You know all the humans used to speak one language and stay as a one tribe earlier. Like that? But divide and rule is a method practiced by the God to the Queen. We didn’t choose to be divided. Do we? As long as deference exists deferent treatment will exists in this world.

I get treated deferent in JFK, Heathrow, and even in Middle-east air ports just because I’m brown.
White men freak out when I get up to go to the toilet in the flight. When I’m in the Air port boarding area some just even try to talk to me and see what type of brown guy I am.. They ask question like.. ‘Hello Mr.. What is the time…” I would love to say “This is my World and I deserve to live here”.
But I usually say I don’t have a watch but I have a clock in the suitcase. Just to freak them out little bit more.

Let me say not only in other countries but I get the same treatment when I used to live in down south in 80s. Dam! That was hard.

Pasan said...

You're dealing with the mindset of all those who are, at the risk of sounding redundant, ignorant and insular. These people obtain great pleasure from being stool pidgeons; indeed it's human nature to do so. People like that are often closet hypocrits and live in denial of most things in life. There's no avoiding them nor curing them, it's up to us blessed with a wide angled perspective of our plastic reality to see these people and avoid them when and if possible. Peace.

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

And pictures ?? we're waiting for pictures ?? :D

Gobblezygook said...

What pictures? errrm... Ever heard of Photo Phobia (if there exists a word as such) !

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

ha ha :) this eplains the pic on your hi5 :D lol :)

Anonymous said...

i also get the 'ur next' thingee alot. hmmm who shall i marry to shut these ppl up :P