Monday, January 16, 2006

My sweet schizophrenic friend on her way to recovery :)

I just couldn’t sleep last night. I felt a gripping fear and I so don’t know why. Oh boy ! Didn’t I suffer the consequences today? The only way I survived behind the wheel was by swallowing 2 boxes of tic tacs. Sleepy were my eyes & horrible was the feeling.

Finally got an appointment with Pastor Kegal for the Schizo Kid. He lay hands on her and prayed. Nothing much happened then. I wasn’t expecting much either, coz it needs to be a slow and steady recovery. He wanted to see her again in 2 weeks. More about her then.


Kaiser Kobayashi said...

two BOXES of tic-tacs?!?!? and i thought I was a junkie...tsk tsk...and i was under the impression that GZG was a "nice" little girl...hehehe...
ps. do you know that eating too much of those minty/breathfreshners can kill you???? im serious...go to a small shop, spend a rupee, buy a "hacks" toffee and read whats on the me you'll be some-what shocked :D

Gobblezygook said...

I am, I am a nice lil girl. K...honestly speaking, I donno much about the nice part, but lil, yep !!! A cop kinda checked me age yesterday while behind the wheel....Hmmmphh...

I know that hacks has a warning on the wrapper. But what else can a starved, malnourished, sleepy head like me do to get a quick enery boost ?!? Drink Red Bull ? No way !!!

Pasan said...

she ate half the tictacs in my van. she's posessed by a bloody tictac demon or something.