Saturday, October 15, 2005

Two Prince’s

Two people in my life that I really really adore…..feel comfortable with…..I wouldn’t say that it is love….but serious infatuation…..but at the same time…..Both of them seem to be so much alike sharing so many qualities :-

(1) Seem to adore the lime light…(Which ain’t my forte)
(2) Come from Sinhalese, Buddhist Backgrounds…who’s parents seem to be detesting the very thought of settling for a tamil (I’m just making assumptions picking bits and pieces from what they say)
(3) Seem to be driven by material forces
(4) Atheists
(5) Ruled by lust
(6) Absolutely adorable (Adorable to the extreme)
(7) A few more equal qualities…too embarrassing to state…hehehe
(8) The dudes are so much alike…other than for their physical attributes...pondering about it….geez…they do share a few physical equalities as well….scary….
(9) I wonder if it is something wrong with me, that I can’t really settle for any one…long term relationships and the very word “commitment” seem to freak me out…….I’m just so darn good at running away I guess……
(10) Im tempted to chose…….just that I can’t choose…and they ain’t perfect…(but then again, who is) ???
(11) May be it ain’t real love, coz I just can’t overlook the lacking attributes….it freaks me……
(12) Both have hurt me unintentionally….which means they arem’t as responsive to others as they think they are…
(13) So I’m harsh…at least truthful……this is exactly how our minds work…..

Jewel’s track “Intuition” puts it all in so beautifully :

Intuition - Jewel

I'm just a simple girl
In a high tech digital world
I really try to understand
All the powers that rule this land
They say Miss J's big butt is boss
Kate Moss can't find a job
In a world of post modern fad
What was good now is bad

It's not hard to understand
Just follow this simple plan

Follow your heart
Your intuition
It will lead you in the right direction
Let go of your mind
Your Intuition
It's easy to find
Just follow your heart baby
You look at me
but you're not quite sure
Am I it or could you get more?
You learn cool from magazines
You learn love from Charlie Sheen

If you want me let me know
I promise I won't say no

You got something that you want me to sell
Sell your sin. Just cash in.
You got something that you want me to tell
You'll love me. Wait and see.

If you want me
Don't play games
I promise
it won't be in vain

Aren’t we all waiting for something better…..coz the present just seems not good enough…just not good “Enough”......always searching…and never finding…There just doesn’t seem to be a solution other other working on self contentment ...the only freaking way to happiness !!!

Its still 12.48 p.m…….and yep…I have already decided why I actually dislike one of them……hehehe…..and yeah…the other one as well……I’ve made up my mind… going back….no contemplating……

- Height of passion seems too uncompassionate
- Tenderness just seems so rough
- Humour…rugged and harsh
- Thoughts in-depth, but still shallow
- Perfect, but still so imperfect

** So I'm messing around..................hehehe.......


Pasan said...

It's like I told you. There will always be something better out there, but that doesn't that you're going to put your life on pause till you come across it, because it's an infinite loop. It's up to you to decide when you're going to stop looking and be happy with what you already have, and commit yourself to it. I think this is part of the advice a certain ex-occultist gave me. Peace.

Pasan said...

With baited breath I awaited your next blog update, but alas, untrue were your words told unto me the past night, for a new entry I did not see :(