Finally made it to “Pragna” Bookshop and seized some of the recommended reading by my Mentor.
Unbroken Curses – by Rebecca Brown
Prepare for War – by Rebecca Brown
Rebecca Brown was an ex witch who later gave her life to the Lord. More updates about the books in the future.
For the time being I started on a book called “Seduction Exposed – by Dr. Gary L. Greenwald”. It’s opening my eyes to matters I’ve been confused about till now. It speaks about a range of practices & ways we are exposed to, which are not of the Lord.
(1) The Dangerous Transference of Spirits
(2) Soul Ties
(3) Charismatic Witchcraft
(4) Abominable Occultic Objects & Practices
Await my review on it in a coupla days.
Mr. Nicolle had finally managed to get an appointment with Pastor Kegal on Saturday, but the Schizophrenic kid’s Mum refused to make it. She had two reasons:-
(1) She was going out of Colombo with relatives who would look down upon her (& probably call her crazy) if they ever found out.
(2) The kid had turned boisterous and worse that what she was and this jolting her off and discouraging her. (The best part was that my Mentor hardly spoke to the girl, let alone lay hands and pray for her. It’s funny how weak the demons are and how freaked out they are of my Master. It sure looks like his very name makes em evil one’s shudder)
My Mentor predicted that the torture & the trials would increase when the demons figure out that a Christian angle is about to be introduced. Aunty sure was trying to back off from the whole thing as predicted, them demons were trying their very best to discourage her. No one of us are gonna give up, the child is gonna be restored to her normal sweet self before they even know it in the name of my precious Master “Christ”. My God is a God who opens massive gates & doors when tiny little windows get wide shut around us making our world dark and gloomy.
Why worry, when we have the following promises to stand on :-
The thief’s purpose is to, steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness (John 10: 10)
You belong to God, and have already won your fight with those who are against Christ, because there is someone in your hearts who is stronger than any evil teacher in this wicked world (1 John 4:4)
Mr. Nicolle finally managed to work something out for Monday. With God’s grace, I know everything will go smoothly.
girl you've got guts...possessed girls and occult literature...sounds like "Emily Rose" stuff to me...SCARY!!!...but do keep blogging about this...i'd like to know how the scene unfolds...take care. D.
All the stuff here reminds me of this video
that I found on this site;
See for details.
Not my cup of tea obviously.
Hey Dims...Gutttsss?!? I get my guts from the man upsatirs, got none with me. Infact I'm a real chicken (pak pak pak). Oh yeah Babes, watch My Master, batter the daylight outa em DEMONS. Yipppy !!!
Well Darwin,
This ain't vedio, but very real. Sure, it sometimes take me by surprise as well :) Btw. I like the way u write, it is a tad cryptic (hidden) and a tad dark and very direct (just my observation). Gets one want to find out more about the authour as well as the writing. Kepp it up girl :)
Nice vedio Darwin, but that ain't anything to do with God. Warrios of God don't act that way :)
I was a lil inasne & aggressive when I, myself was a Satanist, but calm as the sea now :)
Of course I realise there are obvious exceptions with regard to the video, just like how not all islamists are terrorists, not all gays have HIV, not all blacks are homeless etc. However it goes to show a few facts;
#1 Nothing gets people's attention like bad crazy stuff as opposed to good harmless stuff
#2People judge and make assumptions based on those events/people. Which leads to the premise for example that racism is based on ignorance etc. Ignorance of all the true facts before making an informed choice, something msot people tend to not do.
That said, again I stand by what I said; still not my cup of tea. Just a personal choice.
With regard to the way I write, thank you. I didnt realise I was cryptic/hidden or dark though!
i've met mr.nicolle.. you have to see him to believe him. thats my 2 cents.
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