Sunday, January 01, 2006

Recap of 2005 & Resolutions for 2006 :)

The past year “2005” has been the most awesome & exciting year in my entire life. Why? Because……

(1) I found the truth, I found “Jesus Christ” who turned my life around for the better.

(2) Joined Bible College.

(3) I’ve built up the career of my dreams, “Wheeling & Dealing”.

(4) I shed all the unwanted baggage I was carrying from my past.

(5) Got away from all of em people who were obstructing my betterment, whilst finding some new and awesome friends.

(6) Dealt with monkey Business. I finally threw him out of my bag of responsibilities.

(7) Did everything GOOD as well as BAD which I’d dare not do. (Am I proud of the bad…nah…I regret having done em teeny tiny crimes, but it’s all good, since I’d never repeat any of em)

(8) Finally made decisions to move out from the house I’ve grown up for the last 19 years. Wow !!! That’s like a dream come true coz I hate this lonely neighborhood.

(9) Finally sold the Piano (A nightmare sitting right in the middle of the hall, torturing my life every time we have visitors) Phew….

(10) Last but not the least, this year brought back everything I lost, Ambitions, Hopes, Dreams & most of all my Life.

Resolutions for 2006.......

(1) Spend quality time with “My Master” seeking his face.

(2) Finish CIM (at least by 2007 June)

(3) Start Dancing once again (and this time, not to give up half way through).

(4) Less Clubbing, more Reading & Movies.

(5) Less Talking & more Writing.

(6) Less Idling & more Exploring (Ahhh…..those long drives…just me and my dinky toy).

(7) Join a Spanish & French Class (Try my hands on Arabic, if possible).

(8) Tune my guitar (yeah I’m a lazy bum, this has been my resolution for the past 2 years) & also learn to play the Drums (I ain’t never gonna buy another Piano again, I’m just not cut out for Piano, never was, never will)

(9) Buy my own 4 wheel drive (A rugged Pick up Truck, has been my dream for a long time)

(10) Wake up at 5 a.m & start the day with a work out (who am I kidding ! Lets give it a try though)

(11) Take a trip to UK, France or Aussie (using my own money of course).

(12) This last pointer is for my master to decide, amidst all my fleshly desires, he has his own purpose for me, Let his will be done !!!


Thusitha Abeyesekera said...

hey how goes...thanks for the comment...hmmm abt ur resolutions dont think i can helpout much unlessu want some tutoring for pianolessons:) cheers!

Gobblezygook said...

Oh no Thivanka...No more Piano Lessons....Had enough to last my whole life time....Scales...Yuck yuck....I can play a lil bita ear music, baila and stuff...but Piano just ain't my cupa tea...I'm more in to hammering stuff....and I'll stick to bettering me guitar skills......Thanx a million tho :)

Kaiser Kobayashi said...

HEY GZG!!! here's to a great new year full of surprises and endless opportunities to make total and complete fools of ourselves! So raise your glasses to a rocking 2006. keep blogging and motivating me to find some faith. :D Cheers and goodwill.

Anonymous said...

all the best with the resolutions..

here's another resolution


Gobblezygook said...

Errmm Razor...from where did the CHOCA resolution come from? :)

dilsiriw said...

small world isnt it thivanka! haha! anyways, praise the lord for the encounter you had with the lord! it ll sure make life more meaningful...

you sold the piano? arhhhhh....

anyways, i m quite new to this so please, be gentle with moi....haha...

visit my blog too and

Gobblezygook said...

Hey Dilsiri,

In my case the Lord deserves more than prasing for saving a screwd up nut like me :)

Me visited your blog, and it is a mind blower. I sure will comments and I promise to be gentle (",)

Pasan said...

The piano was the bane of my musical education for over 10 years. It's a horrible instrument. Bach was a madman. Etc. I'm going to monitor these resolutions very very closely. Everyone you don't keep at the end of the year will cost you an ice cream.