Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Da Devil's Playground !!!

I’ve been going through quite a powerful site these few days…..………….I know I meant the below for someone. I am no one to force the truth, but pray that all my loved ones find it (sooner than later).

What is it: A person who has two souls or personalities. Each personality is equipped with its own attitudes. These spirits whip the mind and personality back and forth as they vie for power: such as pride versus inferiority. The separate personalities are closely interwoven so that it is impossible for the person who has them to understand and control them. Double-mindedness wears the person out, and frustrates and confuses him.

Schizophrenia always begins with rejection. This rejection may be real or imagined. Often a child is rejected soon after conception. The reason for rejection doesn't matter. It could be unwanted, incest, rape, wrong sex, no more kids, hate parenthood, divorce, etc. We have seen cases where the rejection was no real but the demons had used some minor incident to tell them they were unwanted and that person accepted the demons lie. This is why parents need to talk over any situation with a child who seem troubled.

A "schizo" parent will usually have a schizo child or children. It's not inherited like blue eyes but is demonic. Demons like to cluster.

A schizo parent has difficulty showing love. Since the mother is the most constant parent with the children and cannot feed love into them, they become targets for rejection demons. Because fathers are away most of the day they seem special to children and can be hurt very easily if they feel father doesn't accept and show he loves them.

Many people don't understand who they are. One proof of the schizo personality is the constant question of "Whom am I?" The identity of one's own self is confused or lost.
Rejection is a withdrawing-type of personality; likes to work alone, doesn't participate, unsure, etc. Rejection is inward and withdrawn before it is outward. Rejected people reject others before they can be rejected by them.

Rejection invites rebellion. For instance, a child or adult will fight for love and lash out at those starving him of love. Rebellion is the reaction to rejection.
Rebellion is aggressive, angry, bitter, resentful and retaliates. This personality is moody, stubborn and selfish.

Having rejection and rebellion in the same body is hard to bear. This personality switches back and forth in seconds.

DELIVERANCE from the schizo personality takes time because the real self has often not developed very much at that point. If one is to be successful, he needs Jesus. Jesus will help the real person to develop. Obedience to Jesus' instructions are necessary. Bible study and prayer are needed.

Under the rejection spell comes infirmity and insecurity, deep depression, self accusation, and compulsion to confess sins. For example, a person enters into wrong doing and cannot keep from confession. He really wants to shock and hurt others so that he can get attention as a substitute for love.

Hard on the heels of these comes deception, self-seduction, delusion, fear and pride. Now we enter into the paranoid companion of schizophrenia.

On the rejection side are jealousy and envy usually of others who can give or receive love. On the rebellion side are distrust, suspicion and fears of all types of persecution.

Schizophrenia can be demonically inherited. Notice I said "demonically". By that I mean it is not in the blood system, not in the genes - it is in the demons!

This is why the schizophrenic DELIVERANCE requires time - sometimes several months or even a year, or longer. The DELIVERANCE must work in balance with the development of the "Real Self". It cannot be rushed, for there is nothing for the person to fall back upon. If every demon in the schizophrenic person were suddenly cast out he would feel totally lost. Identity with the "Real Self"requires time. As the schizophrenic nature is knocked out, the true personality must come forth to replace it.

He must be willing to fall out of agreement with the demons and to break old habit patterns.

How does the schizophrenic come out of this tangled mess? The three main areas to conquer are Rejection, Rebellion and the Root of Bitterness. As these areas are conquered the "house" (life) must be filled by the giving and receiving of love by submission to every valid authority and by forgiveness of all persons regardless of the circumstances. When these three areas are conquered, the other related spirits lose their strength. Determination is necessary.

The person who can persistently say "I WILL BE DIFFERENT! I WILL NOT LET DEMONS RULE MY LIFE" will eventually see victory.

Jesus does not want you to kill yourself. Thou shalt not murder is the commandment. Jesus would not tell you to commit suicide because then you are breaking the sixth commandment.
If you have ever thought of suicide, you must do Deliverance on this demon. Cast him out, in the name of Jesus.A suicide demon never leaves on its own. It may lay dormant for years.

It’s me lil angel’s birthday today…….he’s turning 20…wohoooooo…I am proud of what he has made of himself….and then again not so proud of his beliefs……hmmm…May he be blessed !!!

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