Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tipsy...Very Tipsy !!!

Woahhh...I've gotten over me telephonic addction...I can actually live without it breathing life in to me every few coupla mins......and yeah.........The beep of the sms's doesn't make me go hi-flying n e more.........one week of willfull struggle......(EeeCHU WAWAWA) !!!!!

Had a few sessions of "Woopy Yippy Yuppy" ies staring at the opposite sex and making em all unconfortable.....(yabadabadooooooo...) this is fun.....perfect way to get back at em........errrmmm may be I shudn't make a habbit of it.......

The lil bita badminton I played last Saturday is so getting to me.....(Reminds me that I need to start shaking a few limbs everyday before I stiffen up n" freeze over for good)......... Arrrgh...My poor limbs are achey breaky......

Was pondering about what annoys me the most.......Weeeeakness.......(How darn judgemental)......Needa get over it.......Needa learn to luv me neighbour more than my self (How unfortunate not to have any cute neighbours around) :(

I'm all happy Yuppy today....(Eyes are still half closed......feel like puffing my life out......(thats called depression)......But would I give in to it...no way)....I'm gonna beat the blues baby.......Beat the blues........

I so miss the good times I had with my lil-angel.......It was a darn ball of fun...millanium park rides...window shopping.........movie marathons.......I really do miss em all....but then again...realisation tells me never ever to go there again.....Never ever ever... Some things are better unseen, untouched and unknown....hehehehe

The voices were harsher than ever yesterday......But...Praise the Lord...they have no power over me any more....They hide in fear the minute a tad litla bita of the mighty one's blood touches em......(nah..not real blood...just covered me self with his precious blood and he rocked me to sleep)......

Big Worry :- I'm strating to fancy a bloke......errrm...(danger danger)......I checked me point scheme...he does lack the most vital.....do we compromise?????? Let me subtly prowl away in silence for a while........tehehehe.....(I find it funnny...I truely do..........coz I never really fall in love...may be I never have......I just let my emotions run wild a tad bit).....Confused, Gone wrong Kid !!!

Planning to go for the youth meeting in the eveing.....I really want to make it.....Missed church last Sunday coz of a stupid procession me got caught to :( I'm hungry for a lil bita teaching n a lil bita preaching) May be coz I'm too lazy to read the bible and comprehend...which I must make a habit of......that books got all the answers to all me questions.......but then again....it's my foolishness that I go compromise..take the left hand path and fall in th shit, again & again)...hehehehe

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